控制、设计、统筹、中介——基于社会网络的《工程做法》大木作要素研究 |
Control, Design, Power, Medium——Research on the Elements of Wooden Structures in “Gongcheng Zuofa” Based on Social Network |
投稿时间:2023-03-29 修订日期:2023-05-24 |
DOI:10.12285/jzs.20230329001 |
中文关键词: 社会网络分析、清代官式建筑、大木作、《工程做法》、要素、尺寸、设计 |
英文关键词: Social Network Analysis, Official architectures in the Qing Dynasty, Wooden structure, “Gongcheng Zuofa”, Element, Dimension, Design |
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摘要点击次数: 79 |
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中文摘要: |
清工部《工程做法》作为清代官式建筑范式源本,是解读木大作设计原法的根本。但由于传统分析方法难以理清其记载的各构件尺寸之间的庞杂关系,故本文首次利用社会网络分析方法,确定其卷一大木范式的节点与关系并以此构建出大木作尺寸关系网络,科学量化分析网络整体特征,以中心度指标分析各尺寸于关系网络中的联系与作用,探究出籍本暗含的尺寸灵活特性,总结并阐释其中具备控制、设计、统筹、中介属性的四类要素,并提出清代官式建筑大木作尺寸“变化”及尺寸间“权衡”的思考。以期挖掘清代官式建筑大木作设计原法,科学修正长期以来程式化与标准化的清代官式建筑认知,并为同类古代文献的进一步研究提供创新思路,为中国文化基因的传承表达贡献力量。 |
英文摘要: |
As the source of the official architectures in the Qing Dynasty, the “Gongcheng Zuofa” issued by the Qing Dynasty, is the foundation for interpreting the design principles of wooden structures. However, it is difficult for traditional analysis methods to clarify the complicated relationship between the dimensions of each component recorded, so this paper uses Social Network Analysis for the first time to determine the nodes and relationships and build the relationship network of wooden structure. The characteristics of the network were analyzed quantitatively, and the relationship and role of dimensions in the system were analyzed using the index of centrality. The characteristics of flexibility in dimensions implied in the literature have been explored. The four important dimensions of the network that have the attributes of control, design, power, and medium have been explained. The “change” in the dimensions of official architectures in the Qing Dynasty and the “balance” between the dimensions have been proposed. It hopes to explore the original design method of wooden structure of official architectures in the Qing Dynasty, scientifically revise the long-standing standardized and standardized cognition of official architectures in the Qing Dynasty, and provide innovative ideas for further research on similar ancient literature, contributing to the inheritance and expression of Chinese cultural genes. |
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