Theory and Practice Paradigm of Hassan Fathy’s Climate-oriented Design
投稿时间:2023-04-25  修订日期:2023-06-09
中文关键词: 乡土建筑  哈桑.法赛  气候构形  建筑气候设计  捕风塔  遮阳窗  拱顶和圆顶
英文关键词: vernacular architecture  Hassan Fathy  climate configuration  climate-oriented design  malqaf  mashrabiya  vault and dome
潘勇杰 东南大学建筑学院 210006
朱元祥 东南大学建筑学院 
张彤* 东南大学建筑学院 210006
摘要点击次数: 85
全文下载次数: 23
      Egyptian architect Hassan Fathy, as a representative of "regional architects" in the modernization process of developing countries, is committed to creating localized environments with low-cost solutions that are in line with the regional economy and enhance the quality of life. By scientifically evaluating and separating the elements of the vernacular building climate adaptation path, he revitalizes the sensitivity, adaptability and adjustability of the building form in terms of external energy and human response, exploring a way to balance comfort and modernity in the development of Egyptian architecture. This paper is devoted to present a retrospection of theories and programs of Hassan Fathy in a view of climate-oriented Design.Taking three commonly used vernacular paradigms in his design as clues, the local wisdom and technical logic behind the configuration are revealed, which is an extraordinary inspirer to current formation of paradigms,techniques and methods under the regional transformation of contemporary green building development.
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