Projection: spatio-temporal elements of architecture triggered by mobility
投稿时间:2024-05-15  修订日期:2024-09-03
中文关键词: 移动性  交通  时空要素  能量  截面  速度
英文关键词: Mobility  Transportation  Spatial and temporal elements  Energy  Section  Speed
褚冬竹* 重庆市设计院有限公司重庆大学建筑城规学院 400015
苏红 重庆大学建筑城规学院 
摘要点击次数: 74
全文下载次数: 27
      “Accommodating mobility” is one of the fundamental issues of architecture, and thus carries a number of fundamental architectural functions. Unlike the relatively moderate and passive accommodation of the element of mobility in traditional architecture, the explorations and achievements in the field of transportation that have been constantly innovated in modern times have given rise to new modes of mobility that are rich, fast, and collective, and symbolize the dynamic relationship between human beings and the scale of time and the pattern of space that has gradually entered into a brand-new realm, which triggers a reexamination of the basic elements of architecture. The new mobility projects the traditional architectural spatial system into the multi-dimensional system jointly composed of “time” and “space”, actively triggers the dynamic energy changes in the mobile space, and diffuses the system of architectural spatial and temporal elements: section, boundary, path, direction, frequency, speed, and promote the construction of the mechanism of dynamic association between “mobility” and “architecture”.
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