New Situations, New Tasks and New Strategies: An Analysis of the Emergence and Keynotes of “the Valletta Principles”
中文关键词: 《瓦莱塔原则》  维护与保护  地景与城镇景观  变化管理
英文关键词: The Valletta Principles  Safeguarding and Conservation  Landscape and Townscape  Management of Change
摘要点击次数: 1642
全文下载次数: 1
      “The Valletta Principles for the safeguarding and management of historical cities, towns and urban areas(The Valletta Principles)” is an epochal document, with the aim to update and replace the Washington Charter,so as to cope with the epoch-making changes in a turbulent age, such as the present one. This introductory paper begins with an analysis of its birth and emergence, providing better interpretation through present the problems to be solved by this document. This new document is the outcome of an ever so rich debate, and implies so abundant contents that its volume of main body reaches 4 times more than the volume of Washington Charter. This paper therefore analyzes two sets of motifs that could be easily confused by Chinese readers, i.e.“safeguarding” and “Conservation” as well as “landscape” and “townscape”, so as to reveal more intensively the major expansions of this document in objects, scopes and scales to be safeguarded, as well as the significant changes in notions of and approaches to safeguarding. Thus, this document emphasizes unprecedentedly integral safeguarding, management of changes and monitoring plans at various dimension and scales.
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