Imaging Individuality, Autonomy and Equal Rights in Family Life:The Changing Ideals of Life and Housing among the Middle Class in Major Chinese Cities in Early 20th Century——Domesticity: A Serial Study on Chinese Traditional House and Relevant Issues VI
中文关键词: 中等阶层、理想住宅、房间、个性、自治、平等
英文关键词: Middel Class, Ideal House, Rooms, Individuality, Autonomy, Equal Rights
摘要点击次数: 687
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      This paper aims to explore the relationship between the changing ideals of “family life” and the evolving concepts of “domestic space” in the eyes of the Middle Class who lived in major cities such as Shanghai in the fi rst half of the 20th century. This paper closely examines residential designs proposed by architects during this period,including building forms, spatial layout, as well as the size and naming of different rooms. It also takes into consideration the textual evidence that reflects the public criticism against the “old life style” and their aspiration for a new and ideal family life. The author points out that the ideal of a family centered on its members, enabling their autonomy and their expression of individuality, was the most common among the Middle Class in the fi rst half of the 20th century, contrasting previous family ideals that prioritized social hierarchy. Finally, the author argues that the newly emerged ideal of family life changed the public imagination of their domestic space signi fi cantly, and was the driving force behind the rising popularity of houses with individualized rooms in China since the early 20th century. In other words, the widespread adoption of residences with new-styled layouts by the Middle Class was resulted from their demands for individual expressions and autonomy in family life.
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