张鹏.解构主义叙事性博物馆/场的设计及潜力——基于丹尼尔·里勃斯金及彼得·埃森曼的建筑实例分析[J].建筑师,2017,(6):84-90. |
解构主义叙事性博物馆/场的设计及潜力——基于丹尼尔·里勃斯金及彼得·埃森曼的建筑实例分析 |
The Design of Deconstructive and Narrative Museum/Memorial and its Potential:Based on the Existing Architecture that Designed by Daniel Libeskind and Peter Eisenman |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 博物馆、叙事性、解构主义、空间 |
英文关键词: Museum, Narrative, Deconstruction, Space |
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摘要点击次数: 1370 |
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中文摘要: |
叙事性是博物馆的内在特征。很大一部分现存博物馆中的叙事会被安排为线性模式,往往忽略了事实发展过程中的不连续性、片段性和模糊性。 而本文用实例去说明解构主义博物馆因其自身固有的叙事性特质及非线性、不连续、片段化、模糊性及反清晰(并不是不清晰)的原则,可以创造出博物馆的空间叙事能力并让博物馆成为叙事行为的参与者而非旁观者,使其对展品叙事的依赖性降低,令没有展品的博物馆的存在成为可能。 |
英文摘要: |
Museum is inherently narrative architecture. Conventional museums are mostly designed as containers of exhibits and stand aside of the process of visiting. The traditional arrangement and narrative in a museum often follows a linear sequence that ignores the discontinuity, fragmentation and ambiguity of the real developing feature of events. This article aims to apply existing projects to prove that the Deconstructive museum has a better adaptability than traditional ones because of its narrative features and principles. The non-linearity, discontinuity,fragmentation, ambiguity, anti-clarity (it is not non-clarity) of Deconstructive museum could create spatial narrative and let the museum become an interpreter of stories instead of a bystander. Besides, the narrativity of Deconstructive museums reduces the dependence on the exhibits to narrate and makes the museum without exhibits possible. |
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