吴美萍.从战后重建到预防性保护 —— 比利时建筑遗产保护之路[J].建筑师,2018,(4):19-27.
从战后重建到预防性保护 —— 比利时建筑遗产保护之路
From Post-war Reconstruction to Preventive Conservation: Practices of Architectural Heritage Conservation in Belgium since after WWⅡ
中文关键词: 战后重建、威尼斯宣言、建筑遗产、文化遗产保护、预防性保护
英文关键词: Post-war Reconstruction, the Venice Charter, Architectural Heritage, Cultural Heritage Conservation, Preventive Conservation
摘要点击次数: 968
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      本文分为两个部分,第一部分简述了比利时在不同时期的建筑遗产保护实践,主要包括:第二次世界大战后的 战后重建,威尼斯宣言颁布前后的相关实践,1975年“欧洲建筑遗产年”后对“历史文物古迹”的保护延伸到对次要 建筑群及其所处环境以及历史城市、村镇的整体性保护,1988年文化遗产保护管理从比利时联邦下放到弗兰芒、瓦隆、 布鲁塞尔三区实行分区管理等方面;第二部分着重介绍了比利时在建筑遗产的预防性保护这块的实践,以“文物古 迹监护”机构近30年的实践为例,并试图从历史、社会、经济、管理、教育等角度对预防性保护得以成功实施的原 因进行了分析。
      This article fi rstly introduced the practices of architectural heritage conservation in different periods in Belgium, including reconstruction after WWⅡ, conservation practices before and after the enactment of the Venice Charter in 1964, extension from the focus on “historic monument” to historical buildings group in urban and rural areas after European Architectural Heritage Year 1975, a shift of cultural heritage management from the national level to the regions (Flemish, Walloon and Brussels), etc. Secondly the article gives the example of Monu-mentwacht to describe the practices of preventive conservation in architectural heritage in Belgium, and try to fi g-ure out the reasons why preventive conservation has been successfully implemented from the aspects of historical context, social-economical supports, management system and education.
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