[ 西 ] 亚历杭德罗·马丁内斯 文,石晏蕊 译,温静 校,陈曦 校.日本建成遗产保护方法的发展[J].建筑师,2018,(4):34-44.
The Development of the Japanese Approach to the Conservation of Built Heritage
中文关键词: 木构建筑、建筑保护、修复、传统技术、真实性、伊势神宫、法隆寺
英文关键词: Wooden Architecture, Building Conservation, Restoration, Traditional Techniques, Authenticity, Ise Shrine, Horyu-ji Temple
[ 西 ] 亚历杭德罗·马丁内斯 文  
石晏蕊 译  
温静 校  
陈曦 校  
摘要点击次数: 702
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      日本建成遗产保护方法兼具有传统和现代特征,文章通过四个主要阶段来阐释日本建成遗产保护方法的发展过 程:传统的修缮实践、明治时期现代建成遗产保护的开端、法隆寺修缮的转折点,以及当代的后续挑战。文章追溯了 日本建成遗产保护方法的历史背景,通过各个阶段关键的修缮实例以及文献资料来剖析保护方法的特征和演变过程。
      The Japanese approach to the conservation of built heritage has been described as having at the same time traditional and modern features. This paper will follow the development of the Japanese approach to the conservation of built heritage through four major stages: the pre-modern repair practices, the beginnings of built heritage conservation during the Meiji period, the turning point of the repair of Horyu-ji Temple, and the sub-sequent challenges when the scope of conservation was enlarged. The features of the current approach will be traced back to the point when they originated and put in context. The development and changes throughout time will be examined through key examples of repair works at each stage as well as documental sources.
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