[ 意 ] 马可·德诺西欧,董亦楠,姜蕾,梁晓旭.瓦伦蒂诺的小天使 —— 意大利修复设计方法及中国视角[J].建筑师,2018,(4):63-68.
瓦伦蒂诺的小天使 —— 意大利修复设计方法及中国视角
The Valentino's Cherub: The Italian Way to Restoration Design and a Chinese Perspective
中文关键词: 修复设计、建筑与城市设计、文化遗产、意大利与中国文化
英文关键词: Restoration Design, Architectural and Urban Design, Cultural Heritage, Italian and Chinese Cultures
[ 意 ] 马可·德诺西欧  
摘要点击次数: 1152
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      保罗·马可尼(Paolo Marconi)在《修复与建筑师:两个世纪论辩中的理论和实践》中阐述了意大利在建筑和城市 文化遗产保护方面众多思路中的一种。这本完成于1993年的著作反对“纯保护”的观念,提倡带着“设计”的观点处 理建筑和城市遗产。它将一种设计的理论应用于既有建筑修复,依据的是意大利文艺复兴时期以来的再利用传统。25年后的今天,来自美国和澳大利亚等年轻文化的基于功能主义的“适应性再利用”观念盛行,但对于建筑师 而言,在人造物自身的历史内寻找设计解决方案,似乎更有意义。在中国的语境中,记忆、真实性、历史遗产等观念 与欧洲并不完全相同,意大利的相关理论和方法在建筑、景观以及城市设计等方面,或许都会找到新的探索和发展 领域。本文也就此提出了一项下个十年内可能在中国与意大利之间逐步展开的研究计划。
      The aim of the paper is describing one of the Italian approaches to cultural heritage in architecture and urbanism, as it was explained by Paolo Marconi in his book Restoration and the Architect: Theory and Practice of Two Centuries’ Debate. Written in 1993 against the idea of “Pure conservation” and to promote the idea of “De-sign” in approaching the architectural heritage, that book is a theory of architectural design applied to the existing buildings according to the Italian tradition of re-use since the Renaissance’s time and thought. After 25 years, the idea of “designing solutions” inside the history of artefacts is for an architect something more meaningful than the nowadays fashionable (and functionalist) idea of “adaptive re-use”, born in younger cultures like the American and the Australian one. In the Chinese perspective, with a different idea of memory, authenticity and historical heritage in comparison with Europe, the Italian way could fi nd (and it is already fi nding) a new fi eld of experi-mentation and improvement, either at the scale of buildings or at the scale of land or at the scale of the city. The paper outlines a possible research project between China and Italy to pursue in the next decade.
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