田唯佳 万琦睿 张映乐.回归本质—— 西班牙建筑学本科设计基础教学[J].建筑师,2019,(3):41-50.
回归本质—— 西班牙建筑学本科设计基础教学
Back to the Basics: The Fundamental Design Education of Architecture in Spain
中文关键词: 西班牙、建筑师培养、建筑设计教学、设计基础课程
英文关键词: Spain, Architect training, Architectural education, Design basics course
田唯佳 万琦睿 张映乐  
摘要点击次数: 1466
全文下载次数: 1
      西班牙现、当代建筑实践在现代主义之后已逐渐探索出了一条特质鲜明的道路,国际舞台上不断涌现的优秀 西班牙建筑师用作品表达着他们天赋与经验的完美结合。对于建筑师的培养——西班牙建筑教育是与建筑师职业 资格无缝连接的,“5+1”的学制使得西班牙建筑学毕业生一走出校门就拥有签章的资格,所以我们可以说西班牙建 筑师的职业之路在他们大学入学时便开始了。尤其是初期,也就是建筑入门的这个阶段,在整个西班牙建筑师培养 的过程中占据着重要的角色。以马德里和巴塞罗那两所建筑学院为代表的设计基础课程,则是展现西班牙建筑教 育构架与思路的最佳案例。
      Spanish modern and contemporary architectural practice has gradually explored a distinctive way after modernism. Outstanding Spanish architects emerging on the international stage express their perfect combination of talent and experience with their works. For the training of architects, the Spanish architectural education is seamlessly connected with the professional qualifi cation of architects. The 5+1 academic system enables Spanish architectural graduates to have the qualifi cation of signing as soon as they leave school, so we can say that the career path of Spanish architects began when they entered university. In particular, the initial stage, that is, this stage of architectural introduction, plays an important role in the whole process of architect training. The basic design courses represented by Madrid and Barcelona are the best examples to show the architecture and thinking of Spanish architecture education.
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