李迅 支文军.从《东京制造》到《一点儿北京》—— 当代城市记录对建筑学的批判与探索[J].建筑师,2019,(3):94-99.
从《东京制造》到《一点儿北京》—— 当代城市记录对建筑学的批判与探索
From Made in Tokyo to A Little Bit of Beijing : The Impact of Contemporary Urban Record towards Architecture
中文关键词: 城市记录、《东京制造》、《一点儿北京》、行为学、建筑图
英文关键词: Urban record, Made in Tokyo, A Little Bit of Beijing , Behaviorology, Architecture drawing
李迅 支文军  
摘要点击次数: 1115
全文下载次数: 2
      自20 世纪中叶开始,建筑学的探索拓展到了城市,建筑师通过对城市的研究,迂回地找寻建筑学的突破。如今, 面对越发复杂的、超出传统建筑学范畴的当代城市问题,建筑师们逐渐放弃了以一己之力撼动学科的态度,转向更 为具体的城市空间及其问题的研究,并试图从中获得对具体现象的解决策略。本文选取当代具有代表性的城市记 录读本《东京制造》和《一点儿北京》为主要研究对象,结合其所在的城市背景,对两个读本的研究方法、研究视角、 文本内容进行分析和总结;并探索了从记录到创作之间的关系,以及记录成果对建筑学的批判和启发。
      Since the middle of 20th century, architecture has begun to broad its horizon to city research. Some architects began to research cities in order to fi nd a detour route of architecture breakthrough. However, faced with urban issues that become more and more complexed in order to beyond traditional architecture category, architects gradually give up breakthrough the whole subject single-handedly, and turned to accept the reality "unconditionally". They focus on record more specifi c issues of urban issues, trying to get the solution of specifi c problem by recording. This paper selects two books of representative contemporary city record — "Made in Tokyo " and "A Little Bit of Beijing " — as the main object of study, and analyses and summarizes perspectives, the research methods and text analysis of these books, to explore the relationship between records and practice and the Impact of contemporary urban record towards architecture.
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