陈忱.动态编码—— 参数化设计工作应用与大尺度城市规划的一次实践[J].建筑师,2019,(3):113-119.
动态编码—— 参数化设计工作应用与大尺度城市规划的一次实践
Dynamic Urban Codes: Parametric Urban Planning and Design
中文关键词: 动态编码、弹性城市、参数化设计、复杂多层信息视觉化
英文关键词: Dynamic urban codes, Urban resilience, Parametric design, Data visualization of complex multilayered information
摘要点击次数: 850
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      前工业时代的人类聚居,人与自然资源之间的循环是闭合的,链接是在地的,自然系统对人类生存方式也时刻 进行着反馈。进入到工业社会,人与自然的资源循环和平衡不再限于当地,而是纳入了全球化的网络。生态系统的 破坏,自然资源的急剧衰退对人类的反馈与惩罚,也是异地的、失效的。城市所处的环境拥有的水资源和能源,所 能承载的人口是有限的。而地域的地形、地质等也决定了城市所适合的空间规模和格局。我们急需一种新的城市规 划范式,使我们所策划的空间与这些重要的数据对应起来。这种对应关系,也需要能够随着时间的推移,不断自我 调整与更正,使城市具有弹性,更能抵抗自然灾害、资源短缺和各种社会经济条件的变化。在大数据越发普及的语 境下,参数化在大尺度的城市分析与设计中则显示出越来越突出的优势,也是本文主要探讨的议题。本文将通过重 叠城市的案例,展开参数化工具在大尺度城市规划实践的讨论。
      Early pre-fossil energy networks of wood, wind and water are characterized by their close proximity to human settlement, necessitated by the limited mobility of each of these resources. The link between human and energy sources remains local, associated with immediate feedback from the natural system to human resource consumption. In the industrial era, such local link is replaced by a global network – unsustainable lifestyle and urban development usually cause severe environmental damage far outside its urban footprint – lack of immediate feedback from our natural system allows exploitation of natural resource and unregulated urban growth to an unprecedented degree. While conventional urban design methodology fails to cope with such issues, we need to explore a new paradigm that aims to recover the energetic link of urban development and its territory, regulate growth according to its available resources, and meanwhile enable future adaptability and urban resilience. This article tries to discuss the potential of parametric design tools and its application in large scale urban planning project. Based on the project ‘Overlapped City’, the article would analyze how parametric tool can help establish the link between quantitative data and spatial implications thus facilitate decision making in urban planning process. Through the design of a series of dynamic urban codes, the city is able to coordinate its urban form with its energy production potential, thus maximizing local clean energy production.
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