陆地 钟燕.解读切萨雷 · 布兰迪《修复理论》内外的若干关键词[J].建筑师,2019,(4):76-85.
解读切萨雷 · 布兰迪《修复理论》内外的若干关键词
An Interpretation of Some Keywords in and beyond Cesare Brandi' s Teoria del restauro
中文关键词: 物质文化遗产、评论性修复、艺术作品、自然法
英文关键词: Tangible cultural heritage, Restauro critico [Critical restoration]. Work of art, Natural law
陆地 钟燕  
摘要点击次数: 1126
全文下载次数: 29
      Cesare Brandi stands out as the most influential figure for theorization and diffusion of modern resto­啡on, whose thought has a profound impact on conservation-restoration of culture heritage since 1960s and its scope in a wide range of tangible culture heritage from movable historic artifacts in museums to unmovable built heritage. This paper is intended to interpret some keywords in and beyond Cesare Brandi's Teoria de/ restauro best 「eflecting his theory, including critical restoration, works of art and three restoration ideas thus derived from the interpretation of these two terms. The author also wants to reveal the radical modernism, and the universal natu­「al law used to regulate restoration in Brandi's Teoria, as well as the applicab小ty and relevance of his Teoria to the present
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