荣幸 庄岳 何蓓洁.17—18世纪英文文献中的中国建筑意象[J].建筑师,2019,(5):35-43.
Chinese Architectural Imagery in English Archive from the 17th to 18th Centuries
中文关键词: 17-18世纪、英国、中国建筑
英文关键词: 17th-18th century, English archives, Chinese architectural imagery
荣幸 庄岳 何蓓洁  
摘要点击次数: 1113
全文下载次数: 55
      From the 17th to the 18th centuries, along with the booming global trade, Europe had set off the “Chinoiserie” that affected many fields. In the British, a generation of cultural elites, including politicians, philosophers, and literati, is committed to translating and codifying the literature on China. And the whole society also practiced and discussed the natural garden and the “ Chinoiserie “ building. At the end of the 18th century, the British published works about their own witnesses of Chinese. So there is a lot of information about ancient Chinese architecture in a series of English archives. This paper takes the time context as the axis and collects the historical materials of ancient Chinese architecture from the 17th to 18th centuries as far as possible. According to different social backgrounds and different depths of Chinese architectural cognition, we make a preliminary classification. Hoping it can provide a historical basis for the in-depth study of the interactive relationship between the content of the Chinese architectural imagery in the British and the British political, economic, and cultural aspects.
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