王发堂?杨旭帆.美国品味的缔造者——唐宁景观园艺思想研究[J].建筑师,2019,(5):50-55. |
美国品味的缔造者——唐宁景观园艺思想研究 |
The Apostle of American Tastes: On A. J. Downing’s Thought of Landscape and Gardening |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 唐宁、品位的缔造者、民主性、乡村花园、乡村住宅、城市公园 |
英文关键词: A. J. Downing Loudon, The apostle of taste, Democracy, The rural garden, The rural residence, The urban parks |
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摘要点击次数: 604 |
全文下载次数: 32 |
中文摘要: |
唐宁是欧洲园林传承到美国的重要环节,他是美国景观园艺的奠基者,也是美国民主与文化品位的缔造者。本文主要从唐宁的园艺思想中的民主性、乡村花园构想、农村住宅的建设和城市公园设想等四个方面来对唐宁景观与园艺思想作一个阐述。唐宁认为作为新世界的美国要比欧洲旧世界具有民主优势,因而满怀激情地促进美国文化品位的提升,他终其一生的景观与园艺事业主要是围绕这个中心点来展开的。 |
英文摘要: |
A. & J. Downing is the important garden’s heir from European to the United States. he is the taste’s apostle of American landscape and gardening on American democracy and culture. This paper mainly investigates Downing’s thoughts of landscape and gardening from the four aspects: the idea of democracy, the rural garden, the rural residence and the urban parks etc. Downing believes that the United States as a new world has a democratic advantage over Europe as the old world, so he promoted enthusiastically to height of American cultural taste. His career on landscape and gardening was evolved around taste. |
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