童乔慧?唐莉?黎启国.交互与新生——武汉大学早期校园规划思想解读[J].建筑师,2019,(5):56-68. |
交互与新生——武汉大学早期校园规划思想解读 |
Interaction and Generation: The Interpretation on the Early Campus Planning Ideas of Wuhan University |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 武汉大学、校园规划、折中主义、美国校园、开尔斯 |
英文关键词: Wuhan University, Campus planning, Eclecticism Architecture, American campus, Francis Henry Kales |
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摘要点击次数: 1190 |
全文下载次数: 40 |
中文摘要: |
武汉大学早期校园具有较高的历史、科学、艺术和文化价值,是我国近代大学校园规划和设计的典范,然而关于其校园规划思想的研究却比较匮乏。本文根据设计师开尔斯和莱文斯比尔的设计手稿以及多种关于校园建设的原始文字档案,从时代背景、建校理念用地环境三个方面分析影响早期校园规划和建筑形制形成的因素。旨在全球视阈下解读武汉大学早期校园规划思想,凸显出武汉大学校园规划及建设的全球关联性。 |
英文摘要: |
The planning of the early campus of Wuhan University of the early 1930s played a significant role in modern history of Chinese architecture. It also embodied notably values not only for architectural but also for cultural and educational studies of the same period. However, research about the early campus planning is undeservedly rare. Based on the records and drawings produced by the planners of the early Wuhan University led by Francis Henry Kales and Abraham.Lewenspiel, and the recently discovered government archive of the corresponding period, this paper investigates the aspects that influenced the early campus planning, including the background of the nation and the society, site conditions, and the intellectual and inspirational sources for the planning team. This paper also explores cultural and ideological ideals pursued by Chinese educators and particularly by the returning graduates from western schools, focusing on how these pursuits were reflected in the planning and architectural design of the early campus of Wuhan University. |
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