彭长歆 顾雪萍.超越原型:中国近代基督教青年会体育空间 的建构与发展[J].建筑师,2020,(1):110-118.
超越原型:中国近代基督教青年会体育空间 的建构与发展
Surpass the Prototype: The Construction and Development of PhysicalSpace in YMCA Buildings in Modern China
中文关键词: 中国近代建筑史、基督教青年会会所、体育空间、人格培养
英文关键词: Chinese Modern Architectural History, Y. M. C. A. Building, Physical training space, Personality training
彭长歆 顾雪萍  
摘要点击次数: 643
全文下载次数: 553
      在“德、智、体、群”的人格培养宗旨下,体育空间成为基督教青年会会所建筑中的重要组成部分。作为近代中国 城市中最早出现的、规范化的提供现代体育活动的空间之一,基督教青年会建筑中的体育场所在推广现代体育运动、培养专业体育人才的过程中发挥了重要作用。本文以中国青年会建筑中体育空间为研究对象,探讨这种空间类型的原型与引入,以及在适应中国社会需要的基础上所进行的自我完善与发展。
      In the demands of Personal Training which contained “Spiritual, Mental, Physical and Social” training. the physical space became one of the most important parts of YMCA buildings. As one of the earliest normalized spaces which provided modern physical places in the modern China cities, the physical places in YMCA buildings played an important role in promoting modern sports and training professional sports talents. This paper takes physical space in YMCA buildings as an object of the study to discuss how the prototype shaped and how it was brought into China, as well as how it accomplished space construction and development in the adaption of the demands in Chinese society.
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