郦文曦 范舟 [日]古谷诚章 [ 日] 藤井由 理.勒·柯布西耶绘画中空间观念的转向:纯粹 主义前后[J].建筑师,2020,(2):13-22.
勒·柯布西耶绘画中空间观念的转向:纯粹 主义前后
The Turns of Space Concept in Le Corbusier’s Paintings: beforeand after Purism
中文关键词: 几何、透明、深度
英文关键词: Geometry, Transparency, Depth
郦文曦 范舟 [日]古谷诚章 [ 日] 藤井由 理  
摘要点击次数: 822
全文下载次数: 812
      本文回溯了勒·柯布西耶在纯粹主义运动(1918—1925年)前后,其绘画中空间观念所经历的转向。彼 时的让纳雷以绘画作为实验工具,发展了他对于空间的理解。本文把勒·柯布西耶在纯粹主义前后的绘画探索分 为四个阶段,通过比较四个阶段的作品,指出勒·柯布西耶的空间观念经历了由注重写实与透视,到关注对象平 面中的几何与秩序,再到用透明的块面相互叠加来营造深度感,最后转为对于大自然、人体等有机形式的探索, 揭示出其不同绘画题材背后隐藏着的形式逻辑的必然联系。
      This article traces the turns that Le Corbusier experienced in the concept of space in his paintings before and after the purist movement (1918—1925). At that time, Jeanneret developed his understanding of space by using painting as his experimental tool. This paper pointed out that his concept of space has gone through the process from focusing on realism and single-point perspective, to focusing on geometry and order of the object on the plan, and then by superimposing with transparent planes to create a sense of depth, and finally developing into an organic form such as nature and female nude, which shows the inevitable connection of the formal logic behind the motif changing.
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