苑思楠 何蓓洁.现代主义之后自律与他律价值演变中的建筑 理论与教学 ——思辨与定位[J].建筑师,2020,(2):40-47.
现代主义之后自律与他律价值演变中的建筑 理论与教学 ——思辨与定位
The Transformation of Architectural Theories and Education after Modernismin between Autonomy and Heteronomy: Speculation and Orientatio
中文关键词: 建筑教学、建筑理论、自律、他律
英文关键词: Architectural education, Architectural theory, Autonomy, Heteronomy
苑思楠 何蓓洁  
摘要点击次数: 511
全文下载次数: 812
      本文揭示了在当代世界范围建筑教育体系内并存着两种建筑价值思想体系——他律与自律。通过对现代主 义以来西方建筑教育以及与其密切相关的建筑理论发展脉络的梳理,深入探讨两种价值体系交织演变的源流及促 使其发展的思想驱动力,揭示两者各自关注的建筑问题背后的根本动因,以及在其影响下建筑教学的差异化价值 标准。在当前的中国,随着近四十年来大量西方建筑理论的引入以及建筑教学国际化的普及,本文的探讨有助于 我们更清晰地思考教学内容多样化背后的核心价值定位。
      The research reveals a phenomenon of alternation and antinomy in the value judgments behind architectural education worldwide nowadays—an antinomy between heteronomy and autonomy.And through a theoretical review and a review on the development of architectural education since Modernism, the paper explore the ideological foundations behind heteronomy and autonomy, and how would them impact the logic in architectural education. For architectural education in China, after the internationalization among universities in the recent decade, the discussion provides a thinking of the value orientation behind the diversity appearance of architecture teaching. It would also help students in the field of architecture to explore proper directions for their professional development.
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