肖靖 谢晓欢.早期耶稣会的建筑知识及其传播与内化 ——以明末利玛窦建筑活动的相关背景为中心[J].建筑师,2020,(2):64-71.
早期耶稣会的建筑知识及其传播与内化 ——以明末利玛窦建筑活动的相关背景为中心
The Transformation and Involution of Jesuit Architecture: A Case Study ofMatteo Ricci’s Building Activity in the Late Ming
中文关键词: 耶稣会、内化、北堂藏书、利玛窦、仙花寺
英文关键词: Jesuits, Involution, Pe-tang collection, Matteo Ricci, Temple of Flower
肖靖 谢晓欢  
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      本文着重从早期耶稣会的建筑教育与书籍使用的角度出发,分析其至明末时期在华的建筑活动及其特征。 据《北堂藏书》和费赖之所撰写的《在华耶稣会士列传》所罗列的会士名单与建造活动来看,西方古典建筑知识 体系得以在华落地生根,不应仅归结于会士的个人艺术创造。建筑体系的在地化,需要依靠完整且具目的性的教 学以及相当规模的建筑书籍的使用,两者能在遥远的东方以建造形式支持其宗教活动。本文以明末利玛窦在华建 筑活动的开启出发,分析了耶稣会建筑在华传播与内化初始阶段的背景,并对其在肇庆所建的中国第一座耶稣会 建筑“仙花寺”进行探讨。
      This article examines the building activities and their characters of the Jesuit Architecture in the late Ming period, and their relationship to architectural education and books. According to P. Louis Pfister’s Notices Biographiques et bibliographiques and Catalogue de la Bibliotheque du Pe-tang , we see the collective creativities of the Jesuits as the consequence of systematic training and usage of books, both of which sustain a constant flow of building knowledge into China. By analyzing Matteo Ricci’s early activities and the first Jesuit building “Temple of Flower” in Zhaoqing during the late 16th century, the paper underlines the transformation and involution process of Jesuit architecture.
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