喻梦哲 惠盛健.榆林十六窟壁画楼阁的铺作形制复原及其意 义探析[J].建筑师,2020,(4):6-14.
榆林十六窟壁画楼阁的铺作形制复原及其意 义探析
A Restoration Study on the Dougong’s Form of Dunhuang Murals in the16th Yulin Fresco
中文关键词: 结构特征、形制特征、技术祖源、样式边界
英文关键词: Structural features, Formation characteristics, Technical roots, Border of tectonic style
喻梦哲 惠盛健  
摘要点击次数: 700
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      The traditional wooden structure’s features could be recognized through the Dougong ’s form evolution, especially through the Ang element, due to its frequent change and the coupling effect caused by connecting logic. This article argues that the particularity of the Dougong image drawn in the 16th Yulin fresco of Dunhuang murals can be restored by logical deduction and some circumstantial evidence, hence to outline the distribution and evolution in the instance of this class. Thereby it explores the technical relevance of such kind artisan system between Tang and Song’s official technology, and ultimately attempting to comment on its historical value.
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