喻梦哲 惠盛健.《营造法式》上、下昂斜率取值方法探析[J].建筑师,2020,(4):35-45.
An Analyse on the Value-taking Method of theA ng Element’s Slope of theYingzao fashi
中文关键词: 《营造法式》、构件轮廓、外檐形象、折算规律、下昂制度
英文关键词: Yingzao fashi , The component’s shape, Image of cornice, Conversion regularity, The Ang element’s inclination
喻梦哲 惠盛健  
摘要点击次数: 911
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      《营造法式》并未就上、下昂的安放角度作出直接陈述,但实例中却存在一定规律,由此而产生了文本中是否潜含着相关信息这一疑问。本文提取《营造法式》“功限”部分记载的昂类构件尺寸进行作图推导,探析其斜率折算方法,同时从三个方面(铺作内关联构件的恰合度、椽架平长的限制及昂尾挑斡构造的约束)加以验证,得出四点结论:一是《营造法式》上、下昂设计存在确定的斜率取值;二是外檐铺作的形象设计是产生确定值的 直接诱因;三是取值的具体操作方法是以简单勾股比结合材模数基准量进行调整得来;四是《营造法式》预设的上、下昂斜率生成机制与同期案例不尽相同,反映了独特的构造内涵。
      The classical Chinese architectural text Yingzao fashi doesn’t state the specific figure of the Ang element’s inclination. For comparison, the preserved wooden structures present a strong regularity on such issue. Thus this article explores the Ang ’s slope angle’s translation method through geometric construction and theoretical derivation, to verify the conclusion from three aspects, the adaptation of interconnected elements and joints in a whole dougong system, the scale restriction of a roof truss unit, and the tectonic constraint conditions of the Ang element. Hence it draws some conclusions as below. Firstly, Ang ’s construction method recorded in Yingzao fashi implies a certain slope. Secondly, such slope was induced by the requirement of the cornice’s design. Thirdly, the method was given by a fixed triangle Pythagorean ratio and a reference quantity of Cai module. Lastly, this method differs from most contemporaneous cases.
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