[ 日 ] 加藤耕一.日本建筑教育史概略:从东京大学建筑学科体系创建谈起[J].建筑师,2020,6(6):13-21.
A Brief History of Architectural Education in Japan: From the Construction on Discipline System of Architecture of the University of Tokyo
中文关键词: 东京大学、建筑教育、佐野利器、内田祥三、丹下健三
英文关键词: The University of Tokyo, Architectural education, SANO Riki, UCHIDA Yoshikazu, TANGE Kenzo
[ 日 ] 加藤耕一  
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      本文以东京大学为例,概览了 1877年至今的日本建筑教育史。东京大学创建初期的结构、设计、历史三 足鼎立的格局自 1914年始渐呈强化工程技术教育倾向。1950年代诞生的“建筑计划学”,促成日本建筑设计强 调科学依据的特色。为了弥补 1962年丹下健三及其梯队离开建筑学科而导致设计教学的弱化,1970年代开始采 取明星建筑师执教建筑设计课的方式,并延续至今。至 1920年代为止日本开设建筑教育的各大学,仅一所例外, 其余院校的创始人全部来自东京大学。且以辰野金吾创建日本建筑学会为首,东京大学各专业教授创建了本专业 的全国性学会。由于东京大学在教育及学会体制的全方位影响,其强调工学教育以及注重科学性、体系化的特征 也成为日本全国建筑教育的普遍特征。
      Taking the University of Tokyo as a case study, the author provides an overview of the history of the architectural education in Japan from 1877 to the present. The structure, design and history were the three pillars of the University of Tokyo at the initial stage of its establishment, then began to show a tendency to strengthen engineering and technology education since 1914. After the subject “architecture planning” was created in the 1950s, it emphasized the characteristic of the scientific basis of architectural design. From 1970s the star architects began to teach architectural design courses. Due to the all-round influence of the University of Tokyo in the education and academic system, its characteristics of emphasizing engineering education, focusing on scientific, and systemization have also become common features of architectural education in Japan.
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