牧骑 [意] 艾博理 陈莉.“合力”模式下的意大利乡村建成遗产保护及更新——以皮埃蒙特大区为例[J].建筑师,2021,(1):34-41.
The Joint Force of bottom-up and top-down in the Preservation andRenewal of Rural Architectural Heritage—Taking Piedmont, Italy asthe Case Study
中文关键词: 合力模式、乡村建成遗产、保护、更新、意大利
英文关键词: Joint force, Rural built heritage, Preservation, Renewal, Italy
牧骑 [意] 艾博理 陈莉  
摘要点击次数: 1616
全文下载次数: 33
      本研究的目的是廓清意大利乡村建成遗产保护与更新的路径,认为其自下而上与自上而下结合的“合力”模式可 为我国相关实践提供借鉴。论文简析了合力模式的形成及构成要素:GAL 主导的自下而上的保护及更新与政府主导的 自上而下的管控体系;梳理了保护体系演变;以皮埃蒙特大区导则编制为例,结合翔实的民居更新案例,探析地方层 面乡村建成遗产的保护及更新手段。
      The purpose of this research is to clarify the path of preservation and renewal of the built heritage in the Italian countryside, and summarize it as a “joint force” characterized by the combination of bottom-up and topdown approaches. The first part analyzes the formation of the joint force model and its components. The second part analyzes. The evolution of the related policies. The third part takes Piedmont region as an example to analyze the methods of preservation and renewing at the local level. A detailed case of the residential renewal is provided. The fourth part is the discussion and summary.
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