姜梅 姜涛 曾琎哲.现场与事件的融合——塞德里克·普莱斯的“两树岛计划”(1971—1973 年)研究[J].建筑师,2021,(2):72-78.
现场与事件的融合——塞德里克·普莱斯的“两树岛计划”(1971—1973 年)研究
Integration of Site and Event:Study of Cedric Price’s“Two Tree Island Project”(1971—1973)
中文关键词: 塞德里克·普莱斯、“两树岛计划”、现场特征、事件、兼容性
英文关键词: Cedric Price, Two Tree Island Project, Site characteristics, Events, Compatibility
姜梅 姜涛 曾琎哲  
摘要点击次数: 940
全文下载次数: 569
      本文通过“两树岛计划”(1971—1973年),详细剖析了塞德里克·普莱斯的设计理论、设计方法及其对当 下的影响。其设计思想建立在环境和系统思维上,结合对现场特征的分析和对背景社会经济变量的考虑,创造一系 列可能性或适应性解决方案。他试图以保护和开发兼容的方式展开规划设计,坚持场地特征与拟议活动之间的“适 宜性”和“兼容性”,承认城市居民对自然的需求,将休闲、农业和生态联系起来。通过场地映射和活动矩阵的研 究分析,不仅寻求对岛屿的自然价值敏感,而且还为未来的事件模式和“计划”提供弹性框架。
      Through the ”Two Tree Island Project“(1971—1973), this article analyzes Cedric Price’s design theory, design method, and its impact on the present in detail. His design is based on environmental and systemic thinking, combined with the analysis of the characteristics of the site and the consideration of the background social and economic variables, to create a series of possibilities or adaptive solutions. He tried to carry out planning and design in a manner compatible with protection and development, insisting on the “suitability” and “compatibility” between the site characteristics and the proposed activities, recognizing the urban residents’ needs for nature, and connecting leisure, agriculture and ecology. Through the research and analysis of site mapping and activity matrix, he not only seeks to be sensitive to the island’s natural value, but also provides a flexible framework for future event patterns and “plans”.
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