A Historical Study of the Reasons Why the Liang-Chen Plan was not Adopted: On the Stratification of the Influencing Factors of Planning Decision
中文关键词: 城市史、城市规划史、北京、梁思成、陈占祥
英文关键词: Urban history, Urban planning history, Beijing, LIANG Ssu-cheng, Charles CHEN
摘要点击次数: 1183
全文下载次数: 1135
      本文针对“梁陈方案”究竟为何未能获得政府采纳的问题,结合城市规划老专家的访谈,从规划技术、财政 经济、社会文化以及政治和外交等几个方面,对规划决策的一些主要影响因素进行了解析和讨论。各方面因素对规 划决策产生影响的程度以及优先次序是截然不同的,呈现出分层现象。在 70 年前的时代条件下,“梁陈方案”未能 获得政府方面采纳的根本原因在于受到政治和外交因素的影响。透过“梁陈方案”事件,启示城市规划工作者要强 化政治意识和政策观念,能够从社会和政治角度更全面地考虑有关规划问题,从而提升城市规划工作对接公众和 服务于社会的能力。
      In view of the reason why the Liang-Chen Plan has not been adopted by the government, this paper analyzes and discusses some main influencing factors of planning decision-making from the aspects of planning technology, finance and economy, social culture, politics and diplomacy, combined with interviews with old urban planning experts. The influence degree and priority of various factors on planning decision-making are quite different, showing a hierarchical phenomenon. In the era of 70 years ago, the fundamental reason why the Liang-Chen plan was not adopted by the government lies in the influence of political and diplomatic factors at the top. Through the Liang-Chen Plan event, it is enlightening that urban planners should strengthen their political awareness and policy concepts, and be able to consider relevant planning issues more comprehensively from the social and political perspectives, so as to enhance the ability of urban planning to connect with the public and serve the society.
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