[巴西] 娜拉·博尔戈诺维·席尔瓦 文 谢方洁 译 裴钊 王帅中 校.结构设计的社会价值——若昂·维拉诺瓦·阿蒂加斯承重结构设计中的人性维度[J].建筑师,2021,(3):59-67.
The Social Value of Structural Design:The Humanization of the Load-bearing Structure in the Work of João Vilanova Artigas
中文关键词: 拉丁美洲、若昂·维拉诺瓦·阿蒂加斯、结构设计、钢筋混凝土
英文关键词: Latin America, João Vilanova Artigas, Structural design, Reinforced concrete
[巴西] 娜拉·博尔戈诺维·席尔瓦 文 谢方洁 译 裴钊 王帅中 校  
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      若昂·维拉诺瓦·阿蒂加斯(1915—1985)[1][2]身为巴西20 世纪最具影响力的建筑师之一,其独特的建筑作品 最近才受到国际上的广泛关注和认可。阿蒂加斯相信人性内容应寓于形式探索,唯有将之融入结构设计,才能赋予 其意义。力倡和平与民主但又政治激进的阿蒂加斯,在自己的设计实践中认知到了将结构升格为社会隐喻的永恒 潜力。从承重结构——这个人们熟视无睹的角色出发,阿蒂加斯将结构设计视为政治和社会意义的潜在载体,从而 超越了结构仅在效率和工程层面的技术诉求。他因此坚持这样的理念:建筑师有责任在结构设计中坚持独立的探 索与创造路线,并突破科学方法论所容许的范围。
      João Vilanova Artigas (1915-1985) was one of the most influent twentieth-century Brazilian architects. In spite of this, he only recently achieved broad international recognition for his singular architecture works. Artigas believed human content belongs to the formal survey and must be integrated in the structural design in order to render structures a meaning. Strongly advocating peace and democracy in his political militancy, this Brazilian designer recognized in his own design practice the immemorial potential of structures to become social metaphors. Based on this wellknown although forgotten role of load-bearing structures, Artigas approached structural design as a potential carrier of political and social meaning that could go beyond the technical demands of efficient engineering solutions. For this reason, he upheld the notion that architects had the duty to seek an independent line of investigation and creation in structural design and go beyond what scientific methodology can accept.
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