杨震 陈烨.从新市政厅到“波士顿学派”: 一座城市的粗野主义建筑“革命”[J].建筑师,2021,(3):120-129.
从新市政厅到“波士顿学派”: 一座城市的粗野主义建筑“革命”
From New City Hall to Boston School:A City's Revolution with Brutalist Architecture
中文关键词: 粗野主义、市政厅建筑、波士顿新市政厅、波士顿学派、建筑革命
英文关键词: Brutalism, City hall buildings, Boston New City Hall, Boston School, Architectural revolution
杨震 陈烨  
摘要点击次数: 1001
全文下载次数: 627
      市政厅建筑在粗野主义实践中占据相当比例,但在既有研究中尚未得到深入探析。波士顿新市政厅是影响最大 的粗野主义市政建筑之一。本文回顾了它的建设背景及设计哲学,详细分析了它的设计特征(包括:外观形态、内部空 间、材料构造、外部广场),阐述了它在“建筑美学与文脉、功能与公共空间”两方面的争论。进而探讨了它基于与文化— 城市复杂关联的革命性影响,包括:推动“波士顿学派”兴起、促进波士顿城市转型、对更大范围内建筑学实践与观念 的影响。在此基础上,本文最后从“意识形态流变”的视角总结了新市政厅的价值及社会评价,并从“历史遗产”的维 度对新市政厅的历史定位进行了展望。
      City hall buildings are in the major category of Brutalist architecture while they have not been deeply explored in existing studies. Boston New City Hall is perhaps one of the most influential Brutalist civic buildings. The paper reviews its development background and design philosophy, analyzes in detail its design characteristics (including its form, internal space, material, construction and external square), and reveals profound arguments in terms of aesthetic, urban context, function and public space. The paper elaborates its revolutionary significance in complicated relevance to culture and city, including making the rise of Boston School, stimulating urban transformation of Boston, and imposing a wider impact on global architectural practices and perceptions. In conclusion, the paper concludes the values and social evaluations of the New City Hall through vicissitudes of ideologies, and forecasts its historical position from a perspective of historical heritage.
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