王雪 王崇恩.多元混合、面向社区的棕地复兴策略——以温哥华格兰维尔岛为例[J].建筑师,2021,(6):11-18.
Multi-element Mixed and Community-oriented Strategies for Brownfield Revitalization: Case Study of Granville Island, Vancouver
中文关键词: 棕地复兴,工业用地更新,工业遗产保护,混合社区,格兰维尔岛
英文关键词: Brownfield revitalization, Renewal of industrial land, Industrial heritage conservation, Mixed community, Granville island
王雪 王崇恩  
摘要点击次数: 762
全文下载次数: 544
      Brownfield issue exists in almost all industrialized countries. Granville Island project is an early attempt by Canada on brownfield remediation and reuse. Its success lies in the creation of a new regional hub from a plot of derelict land, which benefits the local community and the city in many ways, such as improving quality of life, mitigating social problems, boosting local economy, rebuilding the spirit of place and cultural image of the city. Based on fieldwork,this study analyses the revitalization strategies and after-effects of this project from the dimensions of architecture and space, function, culture, social economy and ecological environment, then discusses the central feature of its practice mode from the inclusive and participatory aspects. This study could provide a useful reference for the industrial land renewal and industrial heritage conservation in the post-industrial times in China.
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