童乔慧 董梅雪 胡嘉渝 董贺轩.“地域性”批判还是救赎?——英国桂冠建筑师埃德温·勒琴斯的建筑实践解读[J].建筑师,2022,(1):4-14.
Criticism and Redemption of “Regionality”: Interpretation of the Architectural Practice of the Best British Architect Edwin Lutyens
中文关键词: 埃德温·勒琴斯、地域性、新古典主义、传统风格
英文关键词: Edwin Lutyens, Regionality, Neoclassicism, Traditional style
童乔慧 董梅雪 胡嘉渝 董贺轩  
摘要点击次数: 1402
全文下载次数: 1009
      埃德温·勒琴斯在英国建筑史上久负盛名,被称为英国桂冠建筑师、最后的传统主义者。他的建筑风格融合浪漫的英式传统住宅样式、宏伟的纪念性建筑尺度和印度的殖民建筑形制,在近代建筑史上占据重要的地位。他承袭传统地域性的设计手法,开创的殖民风格的新古典主义标志着莫里斯乌托邦幻想的结束,被誉为英国最后一个传统主义建筑师。本文以英国建筑师勒琴斯为学术研究视角,重新审视 20 世纪前后抵抗现代建筑一元话语的地域性建筑语汇,重点考察英国风土住宅和新古典主义两类建筑,分析勒琴斯在复杂的时代背景下如何处理现代建筑与地域传统的矛盾,或将为我国本土地域性建筑研究提供新源泉。
      Edwin Lutyens has a long-standing reputation in the history of British architecture and is known as a great British architect and the last traditionalist. His architectural style is a fusion of romantic British traditional residential styles, magnificent monumental architectural scales and Indian colonial forms. He occupies an important position in the history of modern architecture. He inherited the design method of traditional Regionality. The neoclassicism he created marked the end of Morris’ utopian fantasy. He became the last British traditionalist architect. This article takes British architect Lutyens as an academic research perspective to review the regional architectural vocabulary that resists the monistic discourse of modern architecture around the 20th century. It focuses on two types including British vernacular houses and neoclassical buildings, and analyzes how Lutyens handles the contradiction between modern architecture and regional tradition under the complex background of the times. This will provide a new source of research on regional architecture in our country.
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