张鹏 贾兴舟.中国建筑技术现代转型的关键推手——《中华国际工程学会会刊》研究(1901—1941 年)[J].建筑师,2022,(1):99-109.
中国建筑技术现代转型的关键推手——《中华国际工程学会会刊》研究(1901—1941 年)
The Key-Promoter of Modern Transformation of Architectural Technology in China: Research on Official Organ of the Engineering Society of China(1901—1941)
中文关键词: 中华国际工程学会、专业技术期刊、中国近代建筑、结构技术、本土化
英文关键词: Engineering society of China,Professional technical periodicals,Chinese modern architecture,Structural technology,Localization
张鹏 贾兴舟  
摘要点击次数: 755
全文下载次数: 374
      The Engineering Society of China was established in Shanghai in 1901,which is the earliest local engineer organization in China founded by foreigners,aiming to promote engineering modernization and enhance professional capabilities of engineers. The society published the Proceedings of the E.S.C.(1901-1939) and Journals of the E.S.C.(1940-1941),which discussed a wide range of engineering issues including architectural technology and recorded the process of technological modernization of architecture and cities in China. Based on statistical methods,this paper attempts to sort out the contents and concerns of architectural technology discussed from a contemporary perspective,discusses the society’s use of publications as carrier to promote academic seminars, introduce emerging reinforced concrete structures, explore the localization of foundation technology, and influence the process of building control in the Shanghai International Settlement. which aims to excavate its influence and significance in the process of modernization of Chinese architectural technology and expand the historical dimension of Chinese modern architectural technology history
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