寿焘 刘芳 程啸.表征、表达与表意:徽州民居装饰建构逻辑探析[J].建筑师,2022,(3):102-112.
Characterization, Expression and Signification:An Exploration into the Tectonic Logics underlying the Decorationof Huizhou Traditional Dwellings
中文关键词: 徽州民居、装饰、形式表征、建造表达、空间表意、建构逻辑
英文关键词: Huizhou traditional dwellings,Decoration,Formal characterization,Constructive expression,Spatial signification,Tectonic logics
寿焘 刘芳 程啸  
摘要点击次数: 479
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      既往建筑学中对装饰的讨论多侧重其表层文化意义与符号象征等视角,有将其与建筑本体割裂的倾向。本文 将建构视野融入装饰议题,以徽州民居这一中国乡土建筑经典样本为载体,通过类型学图解方法,从形式表征、建 造表达和空间表意三个核心维度剖析民居装饰表象背后所蕴含的建构规律与秩序,以匡正建筑学本体语境中对装 饰的理解偏差,揭示其内在建构逻辑,为当下乡村建设和民居保护再生提供理论与设计参考。
      In previous architectural researches,the discussions on the issue of decoration have conventionally focused a lot on its cultural and symbolic significances at surface level,showing a tendency to separate decoration from the entity of architecture. This paper introduces the perspective of tectonics into the issue of decoration, and employs a typical sample of Chinese vernacular architecture—Huizhou traditional dwellings as the research object. Through a diagrammatic method inspired by typology,and based on three core dimensions as “the formal characterization,the constructive factors and the spatial signification”,it explores the tectonic regularities and orders contained in the dwellings’ decorations,in order to correct the deviations in understanding the concept of decoration in ontological context of architecture,to reveal its tectonic logics, as well as to offer both theoretical and design references for current construction work in rural areas,and the conservation and regeneration course for those dwellings therein.
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