李浩.“梁陈方案”原点考论 ——以1949 年5 月8 日北平市都市计划座谈会为中心[J].建筑师,2022,(4):85-94.
“梁陈方案”原点考论 ——以1949 年5 月8 日北平市都市计划座谈会为中心
A Historical Study of the Origin of the Liang-Chen Plan: Centered onthe Symposium on Urban Planning in Beiping on May 8, 1949
中文关键词: 城市规划史、北京、首都行政区、梁思成、陈占祥、苏联专家
英文关键词: Urban planning history, Beijing, Capital administrative region, LIANG Ssu-cheng(LIANG Sicheng), Charles CHEN(CHEN Zhanxiang), Soviet experts
摘要点击次数: 333
全文下载次数: 358
      以1949 年5月8日北平市都市计划座谈会为中心,讨论了1949—1950 年间梁思成关于北京首都行政区建设 规划思想的渊源及流变。1949 年5月8日座谈会是“梁陈方案”规划思想的一个重要原点,从这次座谈会到1950 年 2月“梁陈方案”的正式提出,梁思成一直坚持在西郊建设首都行政区的规划主张,但其规划思想和意图则发生了重 要的变化。考察这一历史过程可以认识到,“梁陈方案”并非一份单纯的技术性文件,而是有着相当复杂的多重意蕴。
      Centered on the Symposium on urban planning in Beiping on May 8,1949,this paper discusses the origin and evolution of LIANG Ssu-cheng‘s thought on the construction planning of Beijing capital administrative region from 1949 to 1950. The Symposium on May 8,1949 is an important origin of the planning thought of the Liang-Chen Plan. From this s ymposium to the formal p roposal of t he L iang-Chen P lan in F ebruary 1950,LIANG Ssu-cheng has been adhering to the planning idea of building the capital administrative region in the western suburbs, but his planning thought and intention have undergone important changes. Reviewing this historical process, we can realize that the Liang-Chen Plan is not a simple technical document,but has quite complex multiple implications.
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