李凌燕 徐福响.作用逻辑与实践路径: 新兴空间媒介影响下的建筑实践图景与场域 生态特征(2010 年至今)[J].建筑师,2022,(6):35-41.
作用逻辑与实践路径: 新兴空间媒介影响下的建筑实践图景与场域 生态特征(2010 年至今)
Function Logic and Practice Path:Architectural Practice Landscape and Field Ecological CharacteristicsUnder the Influence of New Space Media(2010 to Date)
中文关键词: 新兴空间媒介、空间实践、专业场域、图景与生态
英文关键词: the New Space Media, Space Practice, Professional Field, Landscape and Ecology
李凌燕 徐福响  
摘要点击次数: 485
全文下载次数: 386
      新兴空间媒介作为促发性技术因素与新型社会结构性力量,浸润至建筑与社会其他领域关系的长期结构 转型中,激发出“人——空间——社会”之间崭新的关系互动与作用方式,广泛地改变了建筑创作语境,并深刻反 作用于建筑创作与空间内涵认知,在当下形成了诸多值得关注的建筑实践新趋向。文章以媒介相关理论为指引, 聚焦新兴空间媒介在时空感知、制度性运作与社会建构等层级所触发的城市建筑实践中的新图景与新特征,系 统性考察其对于城市建筑实践的作用。
      The new space media, as a promoting technical factor and a new social structural force, has infiltrated into the long-term structural transformation of the relationship between architecture and other areas of society, stimulating a new way of interaction and action between “human-space-society” that has widely changed the context of architectural creation, and profoundly reacting to architectural creation and spatial connotation cognition, forming a number of new trends of architectural practice that deserve attention nowadays. Guided by media-related theories, the article focuses on the new landscape and new features of urban architectural practice triggered by the emerging space media at the levels of spatio-temporal perception, institutional operation and social construction, and systematically examines its role for urban architectural practice.
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