冯文俊 [意] 爱德华多·皮科利 徐好好.接纳与逃避——从圣雷莫公寓看卡洛·莫里诺精细化现代主义[J].建筑师,2022,(6):76-82.
Embrace and Escape: Carlo Mollino’s Refinement on Modernism inCondominium di San Remo
中文关键词: 意大利战后建筑、现代主义、功能主义、卡洛·莫里诺
英文关键词: Italian post-war architecture, Modernism, Functionalism, Carlo Mollino
冯文俊 [意] 爱德华多·皮科利 徐好好  
摘要点击次数: 533
全文下载次数: 504
      都灵建筑师卡洛·莫里诺(1905—1973)的作品在对现代性的探索中另辟蹊径,却很少被建筑史提及。 有观点称其游离于意大利二战后现实之外,但也有观点认为其疏离是对二战后功能主义反思的结果a。撇开 评价,其设计中对自我价值观的艺术性表达值得借鉴。在描写圣雷莫公寓的文章中,他阐明了逃避现代主义的 意图。本文以勒·柯布西耶的马赛公寓为对照,探寻莫里诺在设计中对现代主义的接纳与逃避,揭示其接纳现 代主义先进技术和逃避其所承载的社会责任的目的,阐明莫里诺如何通过逃避功能主义的限制,将其精英主 义的价值观表现在设计中并将现代主义精细化。
      Turinese architect Carlo Mollino (1905-1973) had a peculiar approach towards modernity. However, he is rarely mentioned in architectural history. Some consider his design detached from the Italian post-war reality, but others consider the detachment as the result of his reflection on the functionalist utopia in post-war Europea. Regardless, his artistic expression of personal value is worth studying. In Mollino’s article about his unbuilt project for a Condominium in San Remo he clearly illustrated his intention to escape. This essay uses Le Corbusier’s Unité d’Habitation in Marseille as a reference to investigate Mollino’s embrace and escape of Modernism in design, and to illustrate his aim of accepting the advanced technology of modernism while escaping from its social responsibilities. This essay illustrates how Mollino expressed his elitist values and refined modernism by escaping from the limitations of functionalism.
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