——1950—1980年代两次全国设计竞赛及其衍生[J].建筑师,2023,(4):95-102. |
——1950—1980年代两次全国设计竞赛及其衍生 |
Regionalism in Chinese Architecture from 1950s to 1980s: Cases from Two Competitions and Others |
DOI:10.12285/jzs.20211122002 |
中文关键词: 中国建筑、地域理念、建筑教育、本土文化、设计竞赛 |
英文关键词: Chinese architecture,Regionalism,Architectural education,Indigenous Culture,Design competition |
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摘要点击次数: 377 |
全文下载次数: 513 |
中文摘要: |
1950年代,全国工业化浪潮带来的建造技术的进步把一度与西方现代建筑脱节的“中国建筑”重新拉回了国际语境。随之而来的问题是,如何在全球化浪潮中保持中国本土文化的独特性,显然答案不再是刻板的地域保护主义或是激进的民族主义。中国建筑设计开始在建筑本体之外找寻突破固有形式观念的基点。随着设计研究带来的建筑认识论的更新,“中国建筑”的文化性特征再次被重新定义。研究聚焦1950—1980年代间中国建筑设计及教学实践,以两次全国建筑设计竞赛为起止点,解析新中国语境下地域建筑观念的重塑过程,着重分析设计方法中地域理念的外显特征,并以南京工学院教学实例探讨从形式到理念这一承转过程中的影响因素。 |
英文摘要: |
Chinese architecture was disconnected with the global architectural discourse due to closed cultural environment in the beginning of 20th century. The national-wide industrialization led to the development of construction technology which connected Chinese architecture to the international context in the 1950s. The following pivotal question is how to keep the uniqueness of Chinese culture in the process of globalization. The answer is no longer rigid regional protectionism or radical nationalism. Chinese architecture began to seek how to break through a simply imitation of certain forms. With the rising architectural epistemology inspired by design research,the cultural characteristics of Chinese architecture were redefined in 1950s. Focusing on Chinese architectural design and teaching practice from 1950s to 1980s,taking two nation-wide architectural design competitions as cases,this paper analyzes the reshaping process of regionalism architectural theory in the context of China. The research especially emphasizes the explicit features of regionalism in design methods by taking students’ works of Nanjing Institute of Technology as cases. The research concludes with a discussion of the influencing factors in the process from traditional form to regionalism concept. |
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