夏珩 全巧琳 郭杰宏.微变形平面的设计解码—瑞士设计师组合莫格 & 德格罗的木构加建住宅建构分析[J].建筑师,2023,(6):70-78.
微变形平面的设计解码—瑞士设计师组合莫格 & 德格罗的木构加建住宅建构分析
Decoding of Micro-deformation:Tectonic Study of Residential Extension Project by Swiss Team Morger & Degelo
中文关键词: 体量、微变形、空间、几何、内凹窗、木结构
英文关键词: Massing,Micro-deforming,Space,Geometry,Concave window,Timber construction
夏珩 全巧琳 郭杰宏  
摘要点击次数: 196
全文下载次数: 238
      揭示“变形”平面是对空间场所特质的回应,“微弱”变形程度的掌控则是对夸张形式的精心抵抗。本文基于文献资料,使用图解、口述采访的方式挖掘隐藏的设计密码,回答案例中新建体量与现有住宅的错动布局、极微弱变形的菱形平面、在室内外极大视觉反差的窗户等一系列相关设计问题,呈现各个层次的设计逻 辑。展示瑞士设计师组合莫格 & 德格罗的设计水准,提倡一种异于“照片建筑”的设计价值观。
      It reveals that the “micro deformed” plan is a response to the characteristics of the space and place, and a careful resistance to exaggerated forms. Based on the literature review, diagrams and oral interviews are used to dig out the hidden design codes, answering several questions: the shifting layout of the extension massing and the existing houses, the extremely tiny deformed diamond-shaped plan, and the windows with great visual contrast between indoors and outdoors, etc. A series of related design issues and the design logic of each level are presented. It shows the design quality of the Swiss design team Morger & Degelo, and advocates a design value different from "photo architecture".
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