Residents-led, the Multi-faceted Collaborative: A Study on the Experience and Enlightenment of Active Management in Residential Historic Districts of Bukchon Village Hanok
中文关键词: 北村都市型韩屋、居住性历史街区、街区更新、居民主导、多元协力、活态治理
英文关键词: Bukchon village Urban-type Hanok, Residential historic districts, Districts renewal, Residents-led, the Multi-faceted collaborative, Active management
摘要点击次数: 312
全文下载次数: 165
      In the urban renewal of the stock era,the residential historic districts carry multiple missions such as preservation of traditional features,regeneration of districts vitality,and optimization of modern livability. Resident-led,the multi-faceted collaborative,and active governance are the mechanisms for the preservation and renewal of the Bukchon Hanok Residential Historic District: resident-led - bottom-up autonomous renewal is the basis for the initiation of Bukchon’s governance and preservation of traditional features; multi-dimensional collaboration - top-down structural protection,policy support,expert technical collaboration,and citizen cultural collaboration are the basis for Bukchon’s governance and preservation of traditional features. The multi-faceted collaboration - government top-down structural protection and policy support,expert technical collaboration,and citizen cultural collaboration are the driving forces for the development of governance and regeneration of the districts in Bukchon; and active management - resident-led,resident-driven,resident-autonomous,and resident-autonomous are the paths of sustainability of Bukchon’s governance and optimization of its modern livability. The authors focus on the historic districts of Bukchon village Hanok as the object of study,and draw on its governance methods and survival experience,which is of great significance for the renewal and governance of residential historic districts in China.
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