刘超 陈树熙 庄宝怡.城市更新规划的碳核算方法 — 以上海市杨浦区为例[J].建筑师,2024,(6):024-033. |
城市更新规划的碳核算方法 — 以上海市杨浦区为例 |
Carbon Emission Assessment Method of Urban Renewal Planning and Case Study of Shanghai Yangpu Distric |
DOI:10.12285/jzs.20240531001 |
中文关键词: 关键词:城市更新、规划碳排放、用地碳排放、碳达峰碳中和 |
英文关键词: Keywords:Urban Renewal,Urban Planning Carbon emission,Carbon emission Inventory,Carbon peaking and
Carbon neutrality |
基金项目: |
摘要点击次数: 31 |
全文下载次数: 21 |
中文摘要: |
市更新规划的碳核算模型,对比杨浦区 2022 年现状与 2035 年多情景下的碳核算情况,揭示规划实施前后碳
排放的变化。结果表明,杨浦区某街道在 2022 年的用地现状碳排放量为 15.34 万 t,在 2035 年的用地更新
规划后达到 19.35 万 t,但在可持续发展的情景下碳排放量能够降低至 9.88 万 t。这些成果有助于科学预测规
划方案对碳排放的影响,进而促进绿色低碳的城市发展。 |
英文摘要: |
Abstract:As China’s urbanization shifts toward to intensive development,urban renewal planning faces multidi-
mensional challenges. Currently,there is limited research comparing carbon emissions before and after urban re-
newal planning,and lack of systematic carbon emission inventory methods for practitioners in planning to utilize.
This study focuses on quantifying carbon emissions in urban renewal planning to establish an assessment system.
It involves defining the carbon emission accounting scope,integrating calculation methods and models,and con-
ducting case studies for applicability. Empirical research in Yangpu District,Shanghai,assessed carbon emissions
and predicted reductions through unit planning land renewal. The study also evaluated the “micro-renewal” strat-
egy,exploring the impact of planning implementation on carbon emission reduction and providing data support
for carbon neutrality goals in urban renewal. The findings offer theoretical and practical guidance for further plan-
ning scheme optimization. |
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