崔传荣 石峰 杨绚 郑赟.基于光热耦合的气候适应性仿生建筑表皮性能优化设计研究[J].建筑师,2024,(6):045-058.
Optimization Design of Climate-Adaptive Biomimetic Building Skins Based on Optic-Thermal Coupling
中文关键词: 关键词:气候适应性、仿生建筑表皮、光热耦合、多目标优化
英文关键词: Keywords:Climate-adaptive,Biomimetic building skins,Optic-thermal coupling,Multi-objective optimization
崔传荣 石峰 杨绚 郑赟  
摘要点击次数: 42
全文下载次数: 25
      摘要:普通建筑表皮的构造设计和环境响应行为较单一,往往存在室内光热环境不舒适或能源消耗多等问题。气 候适应性仿生建筑表皮作为一种仿生、动态、可变的智能建筑表皮系统,可通过学习模仿生物的适应性行为来进 行形态、运动模式和性能上的优化设计。本文提出了一种气候适应性仿生建筑表皮性能优化设计流程,通过参数 化模型构建、性能评价模拟与实测和多目标优化分析三个步骤,设计了一种以含羞草为原型的建筑表皮,并对其 在三个典型气候条件下的光热环境性能进行了分析对比,实现了空间有效采光阈值提升 50%以上,春分日眩光完 全消除,冬至日节能 16.67%。本研究以数字技术促进建筑节能,提升环境品质,推动实现“双碳”目标。
      Abstract:The construction design and environmental response behaviors of conventional building skins are rel- atively simplistic and lack diversity. The Conventional building skin often suffers from issues such as discomfort in indoor optic-thermal environments or high energy consumption. Climate-adaptive biomimetic building skins represent a class of intelligent building envelope systems that are bionic,dynamically responsive,and capable of variable adjustment. It optimizes the design of the skin in terms of morphology,movement patterns,and perfor- mance by learning and imitating the adaptive behaviors of living organisms. This paper presents a performance optimization design process for climate-adaptive biomimetic building skins. It is divided into three steps:paramet- ric model construction,performance evaluation simulation and measurement,and multi-objective optimization analysis. This paper designs a building skin prototyped after the sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica). The analysis and comparison of its optic-thermal performance under three typical climatic conditions were conducted. Spatial use- ful daylight illuminance has been improved by more than 50%,glare on the Vernal Equinox has been completely eliminated,and energy savings of 16.67% have been achieved on the Winter Solstice. This study leverages digital technology to promote energy conservation in buildings,enhance environmental quality,and contribute to the achievement of dual carbon targets.
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