赖世贤 肖文静 王天骏.中国近代知名建筑师王秉忱的建筑实践研究 — 时代思潮下的适宜技术与民族形式探索[J].建筑师,2024,(6):079-089.
中国近代知名建筑师王秉忱的建筑实践研究 — 时代思潮下的适宜技术与民族形式探索
Research on the Architectural Practice of WANG Bingchen, a Renowned Architect in Modern China: Exploration ofAppropriate Technology and National Form Under the Zeitgeist
中文关键词: 关键词:王秉忱、技术探索、民族形式、时代思潮、建筑实践
英文关键词: Keywords:WANG Bingchen,Technology exploration,National form,Zeitgeist,Architectural practice
赖世贤 肖文静 王天骏  
摘要点击次数: 46
全文下载次数: 30
      摘要:作为中国第二代建筑师,王秉忱是抗战时期后方工厂建设与新中国成立初期城市建设的先驱。通过对其 两段主要执业生涯和建筑实践的梳理,并结合时代背景和建筑思潮研究,发现王秉忱在建筑设计实践中始终 表现出对适宜性技术探索与民族形式探索两方面的特点,以及他在中国传统建筑现代化与现代主义建筑中国本 土化方面的努力尝试。作为处于国家历史重大变革时期的本土建筑师群体的代表之一,本文试图研究他的创作 实践并关注该群体在中国现代化建筑探索过程中个体创作思想与实践表现,以期引起对于该群体更多的学术 关注。
      Abstract:As a second-generation architect in China,WANG Bingchen was a pioneer in constructing factories in China’s rear during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and urban construction in the early years of the country’s founding. By combing the two main periods of his career and architectural practice,and combining them with the context of the times and the study of architectural trends,it is pointed out that WANG Bingchen’s architectural practice has always been characterised by the exploration of appropriate technology and the explora- tion of national forms,as well as his efforts to try to modernise traditional Chinese architecture and localize mod- ernist architecture in China. As one of the representives of the local architects group at a time of major changes in national history,this article attemps to study WANG‘s practices and focus on the individual creative thinking and practical performance of this group in the process of exploring modern architecture in China,with a view to draw- ing more academic attention to this group.
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