童乔慧 吴昕彦 卫薇 ? 王存颂.有机建筑之源 — 弗兰克·弗内斯建筑思想及其作品解读[J].建筑师,2024,(6):090-098.
有机建筑之源 — 弗兰克·弗内斯建筑思想及其作品解读
The Source of Organic Architecture: Frank Furness’Architectural Thought and Interpretation of His Works
中文关键词: 关键词:弗内斯、有机建筑、功能主义、先验文化、风土建筑
英文关键词: Keywords:Frank Furness,Organic architecture,Functionalism,Transcendentalist culture,Vernacular architecture
童乔慧 吴昕彦 卫薇 ? 王存颂  
摘要点击次数: 42
全文下载次数: 25
      摘要:弗兰克·弗内斯是 19 世纪美国的著名建筑师,他设计的建筑种类繁多、数量庞大,启发了许多的现代主 义大师。弗内斯基于先验文化创造了因地制宜、因陋就简的建筑风格,为当时还停留于对欧洲建筑模仿阶段的 美国建筑开辟了新领域,为有机建筑开启了创作历程,同时影响了美国有机建筑大师沙利文和赖特。本文以美 国建筑师弗内斯为学术研究视角,重新审视 19 世纪前后建筑师对复古思潮的抵抗以及地域建筑的探索,重点 考察弗内斯对风土建筑发展的推动和对有机建筑的影响,以期为我国当代地域建筑发展带来新的启示。
      Abstract:Frank Furness was a prominent nineteenth-century American architect who designed a wide variety and a number of buildings that inspired many of the masters of modernism. Furness created a style of architecture based on a transcendentalist culture that was adapted to local conditions and simplicity,opening up a new fron- tier for American architecture,which was still in the stage of imitating European architecture,and initiating the creative process of organic architecture,influencing both Sullivan and Wright,the masters of American organic ar- chitecture. This paper takes the American architect Furness as the perspective of academic research,re-examining the resistance of architects to the retro trend and the exploration of regional architecture around the nineteenth century,focusing on Furness’ contribution to the development of vernacular architecture and its impact on organ- ic architecture. with a view to bringing new inspiration to the development of contemporary regional architecture in China.
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