邢国庆 王冬.情境的建造 — 解读斯维勒·费恩现代建筑实践的地方思想[J].建筑师,2024,(6):112-122.
情境的建造 — 解读斯维勒·费恩现代建筑实践的地方思想
Build the Situation: An Interpretation of Sverre Fehn’s Ideas of Place in Modern Architectural Practice
中文关键词: 关键词:斯维勒·费恩、地方、情境、建造
英文关键词: Keywords:Sverre Fehn,Place,Situation,Build
邢国庆 王冬  
摘要点击次数: 44
全文下载次数: 36
      摘要:斯维勒·费恩是活跃于 20 世纪 50 年代后重要的挪威建筑师,他以独特的方式将现代建筑与挪威地方相 融合,耐心细致地探求着挪威现代建筑的发展。本文以现代建筑中的地方性为研究视角,通过梳理费恩成长背 景中现代与地方的线索、分析费恩建筑作品中的现代性与地方性,试图解读其现代建筑实践的地方思想,以此 探究现代建筑地方性呈现的方法,为我国当下的建筑创作提供启示。
      Abstract:Sverre Fehn is an important Norwegian architect who has been active since the 1950s of the 20 th centu- ry,and he has patiently and meticulously explored the development of modern architecture in Norway in a unique way by blending modern architecture with the Norwegian region. From the perspective of place in modern archi- tecture,this paper attempts to interpret the “place” ideas of Fehn’s modern architectural practice by combing the clues of modernity and place features in Fehn’s growth background,analyzing the modernity and place features in Fehn’s architectural works,and exploring the methods of presenting place in modern architecture,so as to pro- vide inspiration for the architectural creation of China’s current prosperity situation.
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