陈薇.历史城市背景与历史建筑重建的考量 — 以南京 3 个楼阁为例[J].建筑师,2024,(6):145-151.
历史城市背景与历史建筑重建的考量 — 以南京 3 个楼阁为例
Critical Issues of the Reconstruction of Historical Buildings Based on the Historical City Background:A CaseStudy of Three Towers in Nanjing
中文关键词: 关键词:城市、历史建筑、重建、楼阁
英文关键词: Keywords:City,Historical building,Reconstruction,Tower
摘要点击次数: 56
全文下载次数: 39
      摘要:中国古典楼阁因为选址独特又楼宇高敞,往往成为城市的重要标志和认知城市特色的重要场所和对象, 又因为围绕楼阁诞生了许多经久不衰的诗文而被传诵和流传,所以重建这种楼阁也成为一种传统,如武汉黄鹤 楼、南昌滕王阁等。本论文以南京历史上 3 个楼阁的重建为例,探讨在历史城市与当代城市之间或稳定或变化 背景下如何考量楼阁的重建问题。这既是历史建筑现象提供给我们的一种认知方式,也是引导当代建筑实践的 一种参考
      Abstract:Chinese classical towers often become important signs and important places to recognize the character- istics of the city,owing to their unique site selections and prominent heights. Furthermore,their association with perennially admired poems and literary works has contributed to their recognition and perpetuation over time. Consequently,the reconstruction of such towers has become a tradition,as seen in examples like the Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan and the Tengwang Pavilion in Nanchang. Taking the reconstruction of three towers in Nanjing as examples,this paper focuses on how to examine the reconstruction of towers in the context of stability or change between historical city and contemporary city. Such analysis not only offers insights into architectural history and phenomena,but also provides valuable references for contemporary architectural practice.
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