Study on the Characteristics and Evolution of Wats of the Achang People in the Husa Area from the Perspective of Cultural Exchange
投稿时间:2024-11-19  修订日期:2025-02-17
中文关键词: 南传佛教  阿昌族  奘房建筑  文化互鉴  嬗变研究
英文关键词: Theravada Buddhism  Achang People  Wat Architecture  Cultural Exchange  Evolution Research
白嘉健 昆明理工大学 650500
张剑文* 昆明理工大学 650500
摘要点击次数: 11
全文下载次数: 0
      To explore the inheritance and development of Theravada Buddhist Wats in the Husa Achang ethnic area of Yunnan, this article adopts a cultural exchange perspective. First, it examines the types of Theravada Buddhist architecture found in Yunnan and discusses the local styles that emerged after the introduction from Myanmar to the Husa region, categorizing them based on cultural fusion and development. Second, it delves into the architectural features and differences of various types of Wats in the Husa Achang area, considering aspects such as floor plans and structural methods. Finally, based on field research, it uncovers the historical value and cultural significance of the Husa Achang Wats in terms of form exchange, skill development, and cultural heritage, aiming to provide a clear and comprehensive view of the cultural exchange and plural development of Theravada Buddhist architecture in the Husa region of Yunnan.
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