New Paradigm of Design as Research: Epistemology, Method,Ontology, Procedure
投稿时间:2025-01-09  修订日期:2025-01-09
中文关键词: 设计作为研究、研究型设计、建筑学危机、设计研究新范式、范式建构、设计科学
英文关键词: Design as research,Research-Besed design,Architectural crisis,New paradigms of design research,Paradigm construction,Design science
摘要点击次数: 21
全文下载次数: 8
      本文提倡建立新的设计研究范式,以应对建筑学的危机。顾大庆撰文指出建筑学自己要能够提出一种理 论叙述来重塑学科自信,并作为与大学理性沟通的基础。本文回应顾大庆的主张,即建立以设计作为研究的 策略,提倡设计即研究的范式。文章简要回顾了 50 年来设计研究的主要流派,在 C. Frayling 设计研究的分 类基础上,建议以设计科学、实践认知论和设计师式认知为基础,尝试提出设计作为研究范式的认识论、方 法、本体和程序。本文认为,在设计作为研究范式确立之前,学界期望的建筑学与现代研究型大学的共生是 非常困难的。
      This paper advocates the establishment of a new design research paradigm to cope with the crisis of architecture. Professor GU Daqing wrote that architecture itself should be able to come up with a theoretical narrative to restore discipline confi dence and serve as a basis for rational communication with universities. This paper responds to Professor GU’s suggestion that we should establish design as a research strategy and advocate design as research paradigm. This paper briefl y reviews the main schools of design research in the past 50 years. On the basis of C. Frayling’s classifi cation of design research,it proposes to put forward the epistemology,method,ontology and procedure of design as research paradigm on the basis of design science,practical cognition and designer cognition. This paper argues that until the paradigm of design as research was established,the symbiosis between architecture and the modern research university expected by the academic community was very diffi cult.
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