彭小松,仲德崑,郭子怡.原竹建筑的在地探索与实践—— 浙江上虞禁山古窑址的生态展陈[J].建筑师,2017,(4):100-104. |
原竹建筑的在地探索与实践—— 浙江上虞禁山古窑址的生态展陈 |
Exploration and Practice In-situ on Original Bamboo Architecture: Ecological Exhibition of the Ancient Kiln in Mt. Jin, Shangyu, Zhejiang Province |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 原竹建筑 在地性 生态展陈 |
英文关键词: Original Bamboo Architecture In-situ Ecological Exhibition |
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摘要点击次数: 3314 |
全文下载次数: 1 |
中文摘要: |
在全球化语境下,各地建筑文化呈现出不断趋同的态势,甚至出现了所谓“置之四海而皆准”的建筑形式,大量无视地域特性、生态需求、文脉传承的国际式建筑泛滥。基于对此现象的批判思考,建筑在地性成为不少建筑师在创作中关注的重点。在地性是一种以场地特性为出发点,因地而异的建筑设计逻辑和理念。本文试图通过一次原竹建筑的设计实践,从取材于本土、生长于基地、融合于自然等方面探讨在地性的建筑设计方法和表达形式,为未来类似的建筑创作提供一些有益的思路和借鉴。 |
英文摘要: |
Under globalization, architectural culture in various regions shows a trend of constant convergence. And even there has been a so-called “universally applicable” building type. A large number of international identical architectures spread, lacked of regional feature, ecological demand and cultural inheritance. Based on the critical thinking about this phenomenon, many architects become focusing on the architecture in-situ. Building in-situ is a kind of architectural design logic and concept, on account of the site characteristics and regional differences. Through designing an original bamboo building, this paper attempts to explore the design methods and expressions in the architecture in-situ, discussing how to draw on local materials, grow on site and merge into nature, which will provide some useful ideas and references for the similar architectural creation in the future. |
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