吴家琦.一场轰轰烈烈的国际建筑运动的冲锋号与熄灯号—— 评《空间• 时间• 建筑》和《建筑学的理论和历史》两书[J].建筑师,2017,(4):119-124. |
一场轰轰烈烈的国际建筑运动的冲锋号与熄灯号—— 评《空间• 时间• 建筑》和《建筑学的理论和历史》两书 |
Bugle Calls for Charges and Taps: Reviews on “Space, Time & Architecture” and “Theories and History of Architecture” |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 现代建筑运动 CIAM(现代建筑国际联盟) 吉迪恩、塔夫里 《空间?时间?建筑》 《建筑学理论和历史》 |
英文关键词: Modern Movements CIAM Gideon, Tafuri “Space,Time&Architecture” “Theories and History
of Architecture” |
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摘要点击次数: 3018 |
全文下载次数: 1 |
中文摘要: |
现代建筑运动到了20 世纪60 年代似乎开始失去动力,因此必然出现对它的不同看法:一派是为它辩护的;另一派则是有着不同思想的人对它提出质疑。对现代建筑运动保持坚定信念的人会辩解说,人们质疑这场运动是因为对它的误解,运动本身在本质上是健康正确的。所有的这类思考以及最初的理论证明基本上都汇集在最后的第五版《空间•时间•建筑》这本书里面。而年轻一代的建筑师和历史学家强烈地感受到有必要对这场现代建筑运动进行重新思考,对于它的理论进行重新分析,塔夫里正是在这样的大环境下发表了自己的《建筑学理论和历史》这部著作,指出20 世纪20 年代先锋派大师们的理论中的几个根本上的缺陷。 |
英文摘要: |
The Modern Movement seemed to run out of steam in 1960s, it would be then inevitable to have different opinions towards this situation: on one side is its defenders; on the other side is the challengers and people who think differently. All the reflections and original arguments to support this Movement were shown in the newly issued fifth edition of “Space Time Architecture”. However, architects and historians of younger generation now strongly felt the necessity to reevaluate the Movement and all its arguments. It was at this moment, Tafuri published his “Theories and History of Architecture” to point out the fundamental flaws in those arguments of the avant-gardes of 1920s. |
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