戴天晨 吕力.空间叙事机制探究:程序设计在OMA 建筑 中的表现和意义[J].建筑师,2020,(1):14-21.
空间叙事机制探究:程序设计在OMA 建筑 中的表现和意义
Exploring the Mechanism of Spatial Narration: The Representation and Significance of Programming in OMA’s Architecture
中文关键词: OMA、空间叙事、程序设计、秩序重构、语境叠加、批判性的身份感、场所感
英文关键词: OMA, Spatial narration, Programming, Re-programming of order, Superposition of contexts, Critical sense of identity, Sense of place
戴天晨 吕力  
摘要点击次数: 1506
全文下载次数: 1015
      本文从空间叙事与程序设计的理论思考切入,论证了程序设计之于空间叙事的意义,并将程序设计视作空 间叙事的核心途径和手段,探讨了程序设计在OMA建筑中的表现和意义。其表现包括水平和垂直空间秩序的叙事重构、时间秩序的叙事重构,以及多重时间语境和多重功能类型语境的叠加。通过对空间叙事程序的精心设计,OMA 为其建筑赋予了具有批判性的身份感和时空体验丰富的场所感。
      Starting from the theoretical thinking of ‘Spatial Narration’ and ‘Programming’, this paper investigates the meaning of ‘Programming’ in ‘Spatial Narration’. Viewing ‘Programming’ as a core mean of spatial narration, this paper explores its representation and significance in architectural projects designed by OMA. Its performance includes reprogramming of the horizontal and vertical spatial order and temporal sequence in experience, as well as the juxtaposition of multiple temporal and functional contexts. Through careful programming in design process, OMA embeds a critical sense of identity and a sense of place with rich temporal and spatial experience in its architecture.
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