Text-Structure-Typology, from Language Metaphor to“Fictionalising” Culture:A Critique of WANG Shu’s Architectural Thesis, Design,and Pedagogy
中文关键词: 王澍、隐喻、文本、结构、后结构主义、类型学、虚构城市
英文关键词: WANG Shu, Metaphor, Text, Structure, Post-structuralism, Typology, Fictionalising cities
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      文本、结构、类型学的观念贯穿了中国建筑师王澍的理论、设计以及教学实践。随着王澍作品影响力的扩大, 其博士论文《虚构城市》的核心观念“语言隐喻”也从一个个人理论立场发展成了一种集体建筑文化。本文通过话语、 建筑形式分析等综合手段对这种建筑文化进行评介,并着重讨论了其中3个悬而未决的问题:语言隐喻的模式问题; 类型学的内涵问题;类比的认识论问题。本文指出结构主义和后结构主义的语言模型在王澍的理论写作中同时存在, 两相冲突;王澍类型学设计实践的开放文本性质未能引起评论界足够重视;语言隐喻延伸至王澍在中国美术学院建筑 艺术系的研究生教学活动且成果颇丰,但王澍及其后学较少对隐喻在建筑研究文化中的正当性提供严格的方法论解 释。本文在作为一种研究文化的“虚构城市”未完结处立论,并指出它20年前的承诺——为建筑研究文化的想象力正 名——似乎还未完全兑现。
      The notions of text, structure,and typology are essential components in the Chinese architect WANG Shu’s diverse activities:his thesis, design, and architectural education. With WANG’s increasing influence in architectural communities, language metaphor, which was the methodological core of his Ph. D thesis ‘Fictionalising Cities’ has been gradually transformed from a personalised approach into a discourse defining aspects of Chinese local architectural culture. Adopting methods of discourse and graphic analysis, this piece is a critique of the ‘fictionalising’ research culture,and it raises three questions which were never asked before but might shed light on the concerned subject. First,what is the model in WANG’s language metaphor approach? It finds that both Saussurean structuralist and Barthesian post-structuralist language models coexist and conflict to each other in WANG’s thesis. Second, what is the critical implication of WANG’s typology design? With case studies, it indicates that WANG’s version of architectural typology is largely informed by the notion of text as open system,the critical sense of which, however,has not been granted enough theoretical attention. Third,what is the epistemological status of metaphor in the fictionalising culture? WANG’s approach of language metaphor extends into his pedagogic activities based at the School of Architecture, China Academy of Art. Nevertheless,the value of metaphor as an epistemological mode,which underpins both WANG and his students’research,was far from been philosophically justified. A thorough analysis tackling the above issues suggests that the promise of fictionalising discourse initiated by WANG,which claimed to defend the indispensable role of imagination in constituting architectural research culture, is not fulfilled yet.
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